Results for 'Tito Alencar Flores'

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  1.  83
    The Problem of the Criterion, Knowing that One Knows and Infinitism.Tito Alencar Flores - 2005 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 50 (4):109-128.
    O problema do critério é um dos mais importantes da epistemologia. A resposta que se dá a ele definirá um aspecto fundamental das teorias do conhecimento. Neste ensaio, o problema do critério é apresentado e algumas das conseqüências geradas pela aceitação de exigências metaepistemicas são analisadas. Em especial, essas conseqüências são avaliadas em relação ao infinitismo – a teoria epistemológica segundo a qual as razões que sustentam nossas crenças devem ser infinitas em número e não-repetidas. Ao final, sustenta-se que cláusulas (...)
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    Infinitism and Inferential Externalism.Tito Flores - 2015 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 60 (3):566-578.
    The purpose of this essay is to show that the version of epistemological infinitism defended by Peter Klein is externalistic in character. I present the most important questions infinitism is supposed to resolve and also present the fundamental difference regarding internalism and externalism in epistemology. I conclude with an indication of what would be the best way to understand infinitism and how to evade the problems that emerge from Klein’s externalist infinitism.
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    Epistemic levels, the Problem of Easy Knowledge and Skepticism.Tito Flores - 2009 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 54 (2):109-129.
    O problema do conhecimento fácil tem sido definido na literatura epistemológica contemporânea com um problema que nasce de duas formas distintas. O propósito deste ensaio é mostrar que essas supostas maneiras diferentes de gerar o mesmo problema em verdade originam dois problemas distintos, que requerem respostas distintas. Um deles está relacionado à aquisição fácil (inaceitável) de conhecimento de primeira-ordem e o outro à aquisição fácil (inaceitável) de conhecimento de segunda-ordem. Além disso, é apresentada a maneira como o infinitismo, a teoria (...)
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    Propositional Justification and Infinitism.Tito Flores - 2017 - Manuscrito 40 (4):141-158.
    ABSTRACT This essay presents the chief reasons for making a distinction between propositional and doxastic justification and, also, points out two things: no theory of propositional justification implies a theory of doxastic justification; infinitism is, essentially, a theory of propositional justification. Additionally, this paper tries to shed some light on the three conjointly sufficient conditions for a proper infinitist view of propositional justification.
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  5. Delusional Evidence-Responsiveness.Carolina Flores - 2021 - Synthese 199 (3-4):6299-6330.
    Delusions are deeply evidence-resistant. Patients with delusions are unmoved by evidence that is in direct conflict with the delusion, often responding to such evidence by offering obvious, and strange, confabulations. As a consequence, the standard view is that delusions are not evidence-responsive. This claim has been used as a key argumentative wedge in debates on the nature of delusions. Some have taken delusions to be beliefs and argued that this implies that belief is not constitutively evidence-responsive. Others hold fixed the (...)
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  6.  28
    Logic in the Husserlian context.Johanna Maria Tito - 1990 - Evanston, Ill.: Northwestern University Press.
    Acknowledgments I wish to express my gratitude to Dr. Jakob Amstutz for his continual feedback during my writing of this work. ...
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    Filosofia e pedagogia oggi: studi in onore di Giuseppe Flores D'Arcais.Giuseppe Flores D'Arcais & Aldo Agazzi (eds.) - 1985 - Padova: Libreria gregoriana.
  8. Os direitos humanos como norteadores do direito no âmbito Das relações internacionais: A aplicabilidade da teoria de justiça de John Rawls na organização Das nações uniDas.João Victor Gomes Bezerra Alencar - 2015 - Revista Fides 6 (2).
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  9. Evoluzione del linguaggio della scienza: certezze e verità.Tito Arecchi - 1997 - Nuova Civiltà Delle Macchine 15 (1/4):93-98.
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  10. Imanência, Discurso e Passagens da Obra de Arte.Maria Carlota de Alencar Pires - 2004 - In Francisco Venceslau dos Santos, Pate Nuñez & Carlinda Fragale (eds.), Encontro com Adorno. Rio de Janeiro: Centro de Observação do Contemporâneo. pp. 83.
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  11. Vida de Pitágoras.Porfirio de Tito - 2011 - In Hernández de la Fuente & A. David (eds.), Vidas de Pitágoras. Vilaür, Girona: Editorial Atalanta.
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  12.  39
    Análisis económico de proyectos de inversión.Tito Duarte, Ramón Elías Jiménez Arias & Myriam Ruíz Tibaná - forthcoming - Scientia.
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  13. Iniciação à lógica matemática.Alencar Filho & Edgard de[From Old Catalog] - 1967 - São Paulo,: Livraria Nobel.
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    El realismo mágico en el cuento hispanoamericano.Angel Flores - 1985
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  15. The evolution of reason in hume'treatise of human nature'.Tito Magri - 1994 - Philosophical Forum 25 (4):310-332.
  16. Sociologia dell'essere e ontologia del sociale: note intorno alla Lettera sull"inesistente" di Andrea Bixio.Tito Marci - 2011 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 88 (4):589-598.
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  17. El lugar del hombre en el planeta.Tito Narosky - 2021 - In Por amor a la vida: diálogo sobre la naturaleza, el comportamiento humano y la existencia de Dios. [Salta, Argentina]: Noroeste Salvaje Ediciones.
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  18. Interdisciplinariedad y transdisciplinariedad en los modelos de enseñanza de la cuestión ambiental.René Pedrosa Flores & F. Argüello Zepeda - 2002 - Cinta de Moebio. Revista Electrónica de Epistemología de Ciencias Sociales 15.
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    Pedagogía para la práctica educativa del siglo XXI.René Pedroza Flores, V. Jiménez & Carlos Alberto (eds.) - 2014 - México, D.F.: MAPorrúa, Librero-Editor.
  20.  3
    Che cosa ha veramente detto Marcuse.Tito Perlini - 1968 - Roma,: Ubaldini.
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    L'altra parte.Tito Perlini - 1999 - Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 12 (2):333-352.
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    Utopia e prospettiva in György Lukács.Tito Perlini - 1968 - Bari,: Dedalo libri.
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  23. Epistemic norms on evidence-gathering.Carolina Flores & Elise Woodard - 2023 - Philosophical Studies 180 (9):2547-2571.
    In this paper, we argue that there are epistemic norms on evidence-gathering and consider consequences for how to understand epistemic normativity. Though the view that there are such norms seems intuitive, it has found surprisingly little defense. Rather, many philosophers have argued that norms on evidence-gathering can only be practical or moral. On a prominent evidentialist version of this position, epistemic norms only apply to responding to the evidence one already has. Here we challenge the orthodoxy. First, we argue that (...)
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    Opinions of nurses regarding conscientious objection.Rafael Toro-Flores, Pilar Bravo-Agüi, María Victoria Catalán-Gómez, Marisa González-Hernando, María Jesús Guijarro-Cenisergue, Margarita Moreno-Vázquez, Isabel Roch-Hamelin & Tamara Raquel Velasco-Sanz - 2019 - Nursing Ethics 26 (4):1027-1038.
    Background: In the last decades, there have been important developments in the scientific and technological areas of healthcare. On certain occasions this provokes conflict between the patients' rights and the values of healthcare professionals which brings about, within this clinical relationship, the problem of conscientious objection. Aims: To learn the opinions that the Nurses of the Madrid Autonomous Community have regarding conscientious objection. Research design: Cross-cutting descriptive study. Participants and research context: The nurses of 9 hospitals and 12 Health Centers (...)
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  25. Epistemic Styles.Carolina Flores - 2021 - Philosophical Topics 49 (2):35-55.
    Epistemic agents interact with evidence in different ways. This can cause trouble for mutual understanding and for our ability to rationally engage with others. Indeed, it can compromise democratic practices of deliberation. This paper explains these differences by appeal to a new notion: epistemic styles. Epistemic styles are ways of interacting with evidence that express unified sets of epistemic values, preferences, goals, and interests. The paper introduces the notion of epistemic styles and develops a systematic account of their nature. It (...)
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  26. Locke, suspension of desire, and the remote good.Tito Magri - 2000 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 8 (1):55 – 70.
    The chapter 'Of power' of Locke's Essay Concerning Human Understanding is a very fine discussion of agency and a very complex piece of philosophy. It is the result of the superimposition of at least three layers of text (those of the first, second and fifth editions of the Essay), expressive of widely differing views of the same matters. The argument concerning agency and free will that it puts forward (as it now stands, reporting Locke's last word on the subject) is (...)
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    What Is Philo-Performance? A roundtable.Flore Garcin Marrou, Amalia Boyer, Charlotte Hess, Maria Kakogianni, Liza Kharoubi, Esa Kirkkopelto, Camille Louis, Marielle Pélisséro, Mélanie Perrier, Nadia Vadori-Gauthier & Aline Wiame - 2015 - Performance Philosophy 1 (1):148-160.
    This article is an edited transcript of the roundtable entitled “What is Philo-Performance?” that took place in Paris on 28 June 2014, within the framework of the “Theatre, Performance, Philosophy International Conference: Crossings and Transfers in Anglo-American Thought”. The conference was organized by Julien Alliot, Flore Garcin-Marrou, Liza Kharoubi and Anna Street from the LAPS, a French research group on performance philosophy.
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    Ética Entre Tragédia e Filosofia: As Mutações Do Agir-Ético No Processo Histórico Transitorial Dos Universos Arcaico e Clássico Na Grécia Antiga.Tito Barros Leal - 2010 - Kínesis - Revista de Estudos Dos Pós-Graduandos Em Filosofia 2 (3):220-237.
    No artigo que se segue, temos por objetivo proceder uma análise comparativista entre a narrativa literária das tragédias de Sófocles e a filosofia de Aristóteles. Propomos uma leitura que tende a evidenciar a existência de uma proto-ética no universo mítico-trágico escrito pelo tragediógrafo de Colona e sua validação filosófica desenvolvida na obra ética do filósofo de Estagira. Desta forma, as personagens das tragédias de Sófocles serão compreendidas como metáforas do agir ético pensado e sistematizado por Aristóteles na sua Ethica Nicomachea. (...)
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  29. A fiscalização do executivo estadual à Luz do orçamento público E seus reflexos na conjuntura política E pedagógica da rede pública de ensino básico do Rio grande do norte.João Victor Gomes Bezerra Alencar - 2016 - Revista Fides 7 (2).
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  30. Chaotic Neuron Dynamics, Synchronization, and Feature Binding: Quantum Aspects.Tito Arecchi - 2003 - Mind and Matter 1 (1):15-43.
    A central issue of cognitive neuroscience is to understand how a large collection of coupled neurons combines external signals with internal memories into new coherent patterns of meaning. An external stimulus localized at some input spreads over a large assembly of coupled neurons, building up a collective state univocally corresponding to the stimulus. Thus, the synchronization of spike trains of many individual neurons is the basis of a coherent perception. Based on recent investigations of homoclinic chaotic systems and their synchronization, (...)
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  31.  19
    Nous: determinismo fisico y libre albedrio.Flores Balanza & José Santiago - 2012 - Durham, NC: WisdomCS.
    La materia de este estudio, es la misma que preocupo a la humanidad desde sus albores, siendo abordada por grandes pensadores que van desde Aristoteles hasta Teilhard de Chardin. El presente ensayo propone una solucion cientifica a la coexistencia del libre albedrio humano inmerso en un mundo donde las leyes que rigen la causa-efecto no dejan margen al fenomeno de libertad. Como consecuencia primordial explica el mecanismo natural que sustenta la existencia de un alma inmortal y la existencia de un (...)
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    Uma fundamentação ontofenomenológica do direito.Tito Montenegro Barbosa - 1991 - Porto Alegre: Livraria Editora Acadêmica.
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    Henry of Ghent: Metaphysics and the Trinity.Juan Carlos Flores - 2006 - Leuven University Press. Edited by Henry.
    His rich and multifaceted thought influenced many different traditions; he has been seen as an eclectic. This book elucidates Henry of Ghent's philosophical and theological system with special reference to his Trinitarian writings.
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    Quando as Divindades Se Humanizam: Mito, Ética e História Em Édipo Rei.Tito Barros Leal - 2011 - Kínesis - Revista de Estudos Dos Pós-Graduandos Em Filosofia 3 (5):1-13.
    O artigo apresenta uma análise sobre o processo de transformação das mentalidades do homem grego na transição dos universos arcaico e clássico. Neste sentido, analisa-se a gradativa laicização dos processos sociopolíticos no universo cultural do dito período de transição a partir da efetivação do lógos como meio de reconhecimento da realidade e efetivação política na pólis. Analisar-se-á, ainda, numa perspectiva de história das mentalidades, o processo que levará o homem ao reconhecimento das suas historicidade e eticidade. As fontes escolhidas para (...)
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    El discurso de la emancipación y la “política de la identidad” de las sociedades democráticas.Pedro Eduardo Moscoso Flores - 2011 - Astrolabio 11:317 - 326.
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    Por amor a la vida: diálogo sobre la naturaleza, el comportamiento humano y la existencia de Dios.Tito Narosky - 2021 - [Salta, Argentina]: Noroeste Salvaje Ediciones. Edited by Elio Daniel Rodríguez.
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    Che cosa ha veramente detto Kierkegaard.Tito Perlini - 1968 - Roma,: Ubaldini.
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  38. On animal immortality : an argument for the possibility of animal immortality in light of the history of philosophy.Johanna Tito - 2008 - In Carla Jodey Castricano (ed.), Animal subjects: an ethical reader in a posthuman world. Waterloo, Ont.: Wilfrid Laurier University Press.
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  39. Propuesta para optimizar la evaluación, seguimiento Y control a Los actos administrativos, en el uso Y aprovechamiento de recursos naturales.Morales Pinzon Tito, Florez Calder N. Manuel Tiberio & David Cespedes Restrepo Juan - 2011 - Scientia et Technica 17.
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    Entre la química Y la historia: Libre albedrío Y determinismo.Tito Ureta - 2009 - Theoria: Revista Ciencia, Arte y Humanidades 18 (1):35-41.
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  41.  33
    Hume on the Direct Passions and Motivation.Tito Magri - 2008 - In Elizabeth Schmidt Radcliffe (ed.), A Companion to Hume. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 185-200.
    This chapter contains section titled: Direct Passions Pleasure and Desire Reason and Passion References Further Reading.
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  42. Resistant beliefs, responsive believers.Carolina Flores - forthcoming - Journal of Philosophy.
    Beliefs can be resistant to evidence. Nonetheless, the orthodox view in epistemology analyzes beliefs as evidence-responsive attitudes. I address this tension by deploying analytical tools on capacities and masking to show that the cognitive science of evidence-resistance supports rather than undermines the orthodox view. In doing so, I argue for the claim that belief requires the capacity for evidence-responsiveness. More precisely, if a subject believes that p, then they have the capacity to rationally respond to evidence bearing on p. Because (...)
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    Continuous Deep Sedation in End-of-Life Care: Disentangling Palliation From Physician-Assisted Death.Tito B. Carvalho, Mohamed Y. Rady, Joseph L. Verheijde & Jason Scott Robert - 2011 - American Journal of Bioethics 11 (6):60 - 62.
    The American Journal of Bioethics, Volume 11, Issue 6, Page 60-62, June 2011.
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  44.  23
    Navigating the ambiguity of invasiveness: is it warranted? A response to De Marco et al.Nicholas Shane Tito - 2024 - Journal of Medical Ethics 50 (4):236-237.
    Authors De Marco and colleagues have presented a new model on the concept of invasiveness, redefining both its technical definition and practical implementation.1 While the authors raise valid critiques regarding the discrepancy in definitions, I cannot help but wonder about the purpose of redefining terms for which little confusion, if any, exists? This commentary seeks to scrutinise the rationale supporting the new model in the absence of significant clinical confusion and to explore the implications for clinical practice. Initially, one may (...)
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  45.  57
    Hume’s Third Thoughts on Personal Identity.Tito Magri - 2022 - Hume Studies 47 (2):231-260.
    Abstract:I suggest that Hume’s recantation, in the Appendix to the Treatise, of his account of the idea of personal identity in section 1.4.6 hinges on the contrast between the first-personal cognitive roles of that idea and its imagination-based explanation. In stark, if implicit, contrast with Locke, Hume’s account divorces personal identity from consciousness, considering oneself as oneself. But, later in the Appendix, Hume realized, if imperfectly, that something was missing from the idea of self he had constructed. I suggest that (...)
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  46. Natural Obligation and Normative Motivation in Hume's Treatise.Tito Magri - 1996 - Hume Studies 22 (2):231-253.
  47. Fundamentos de la doctrina del derecho natural: univerales et aequea libertas.Flores Balanza & José Santiago - 2006 - [Bolivia]: Academia Nacional de Ciencias de Bolivia.
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  48.  76
    Experiência migratória: encontro consigo mesmo? Percepções de brasileiros sobre sua cultura e mudanças pessoais.Roberta de Alencar-Rodrigues, Marlene Neves Strey & Janice Pereira - 2007 - Aletheia: An International Journal of Philosophy 26:168-180.
    O objetivo deste trabalho é conhecer a percepção dos(as) brasileiros(as) que moraram temporariamente no exterior sobre a sua própria cultura. Isto é, como eles(as) percebem a cultura brasileira nos aspectos comuns e diferentes em relação à cultura estrangeira. Também serão abordados o significado de..
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  49.  68
    Género, heteronormatividad y argumentos a favor del matrimonio homosexual en la jurisprudencia de tribunales brasileños.Emanuela Cardoso Onofre de Alencar - 2013 - Dilemata 11:207-234.
    In this paper, I verify whether the Brazilian courts’ juridical discourse has any argument in favour of the equal right to marriage of the homosexuals. The jurisprudence is an outstanding place of analysis because we can know the way the courts interpret and apply the norms; it is also a place for the creation of an influent juridical discourse about the homosexual family rights. I identify as well the arguments for and against extending the family status to the homosexual couples, (...)
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  50.  13
    Affective Features Underlying Depression in Addiction: Understanding What It Feels Like.Daniela Flores Mosri - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:479150.
    Addiction poses a complex challenge in spite of all the progress made toward understanding and treating it. A multidisciplinary approach is needed and this paper attempts to integrate relevant neurobiological, behavioral, and subjective data under a common denominator described as a latent type of depression. It is called latent because it remains a silent syndrome due to two main reasons. The first one relates to the natural use of defenses against a predominant effect of chronic subjective pain, which arises from (...)
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